Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I have been Christmas shopping and Christmas making and Christmas baking. Because there are some rather frustrating things going on in my life, I keep going back and forth between feeling really festive and really depressed. The festive side wins most of the time, but I could really use some prayers to help me get through some stuff!

I finally purchased the Angel Tree item that I needed to get. I only have a few gifts to buy. The biggest thing left to do is decorate and bring my Christmas dishes up.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

TBell Amusement

I am probably sharing more of the conversation than I need to, but decided the actual exchange is better than me writing a story about it.

TBell (age 6): Mommy, can we go to Washington DC?

Me: Why?

TBell: Because I want to see all of the buildings and the White House

Paco: We'll take you when you are older, TBell, there's a lot of walking and you have to be into it.

Me: Your father is wrong! I went when I was in first grade just like you. I remember because I fell feeding the ducks and ripped my Jordache jeans.

TBell: You're wrong, Daddy!

Me: I would also like to take you to Williamsburg.

Tbell: What is that?

Me: It's a town that does things like they did in colonial days. You can see people make candles and horseshoes. They dress like people used to dress. You would really like it.

TBell: Is it old-fashioned?

Me: Yes

Tbell: Is it in black and white?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Glass Etching

Like I said before, glass etching sounds much more complicated than it actually is. Below is a list of what you need for your first project: Polka dot glasses

  • etching cream - any craft store should have it

  • glass (a set of glasses - tumblers or wine glasses, perhaps - from anywhere...even the dollar store)

  • paper to cover your table

  • rubber gloves

  • q-tips (The name brand work best here...the cotton stays on better)
  • paper reinforcers, those little round sticker that you use for loose leaf paper

Wash the glasses and dry them thoroughly. Spread the paper out to cover your table. Take each glass and arrange the stickers in a nice pattern. Once done with all of the glasses, put the rubber gloves on. Open the etching cream. Dip your q-tip into the cream and carefully put an ample amount of cream inside the circle of each sticker. You need to use enough that it covers the hole nicely, but not so much that it drips down. The cream will turn any piece of glass it touches, so be careful. After waiting 10-15 minutes, dip the glass into a warm bath and carefully wash off the stickers and cream. Dry the glasses again.

Polka dots were my first project and are by far the easiest. I have done initials and other things, but love the dots the most. You can buy stencils, as well, when you are ready to move on to bigger things.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Holiday Gift Giving

I really enjoy giving homemade gifts for Christmas. The gifts don't always turn out the way I had hoped, but the receiver is always happy and I admit that I can be a bit self-critical. In the spirit of the holidays, I have decided to give you some ideas for homemade gifts that you can in turn make and give to the people in your life. (By the way, if you are looking for some great canning/food item gifts to give, you should look to my sister here. I may add one or two food items, but not many.)

Things I have made in the in the past:

1. knit scarves (I am attempting to knit legwarmers this year - I will keep you posted on those results.)

2. stamped note cards

3. mixed cd with a hand-stamped cover (This was a favorite of mine - I found songs that my family listened to when I was young, many of which we hadn't heard in years, and made a mix. I also converted a homemade tape of my sisters and I as children singing various songs into a CD and burned it onto the mix.)

4. etched glasses (wine glasses as well as tumblers) - this one sounds much harder than it is. I will give instructions soon in a different post.

5. beer bread mix in a canning jar - I will also post instructions for this

6. homemade vanilla

I think there are many more things that I should have on this list, but I can't think at the moment. However, I encourage everyone to add at list one handmade gift to their list this's so satisfying!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fried Rice Update

I ended up making the fried rice tonight instead of yesterday. (See? I never end up doing things as I had planned. We didn't go out last night, though. Paco made pancakes because I had a meeting.) It was SO good! I heated some sesame oil in a pan and then added the chopped meat from Sunday. After that was heated through, I added the leftover carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower from Sunday's dinner as well as the cold brown rice I had pre-made. Once all of it was heated through, I just used a fried rice seasoning packet and some soy sauce. It was really, really good. I served it with frozen eggrolls. I know I could probably make those, too, but I have to draw the line somewhere for quick dinners. I used to make fried dumplings every Christmas Eve and serve an assortment of homemade and restaurant purchased Chinese food. But, Christmas Eve tradtitions continue to evolve and I don't do that anymore.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Planned Dining

I always have good intentions for weekly meal planning, but it just never works out. I very rarely end up making what I initially thought I would or Paco uses something I was counting on or I thaw the meat but we end up eating out. Today, however, I have a plan. I am making a beef roast, which I have never done before, for dinner this evening. It will be served with cheesy mashed potatoes, vegetables, gravy and biscuits. I am also making some brown rice to be cooled and placed in the fridge. Tomorrow, we will be having fried rice with sliced leftover meat from tonight's roast. I think I may buy some egg rolls to serve with the fried rice, but that assumes that I will make it to the store before then. Since I have already been to store once today I am not sure if I will have the energy or desire to go back.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's On

It's Election Day. I am terrified. This is the first election that I have become so emotional that I am having a hard time keeping quiet. I typically don't like to talk about politics at work or in other "public" places because I am not going to change anybody's mind just by spouting off my beliefs. While this method has worked for many years, it is not effective this year. However, I don't know that it's just me - people on both sides seem to be more vocal this year.

Whatever your opinion, be sure to get out there and vote. It is our right!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

iPod Woes

Paco gave me an iPod mini a few years ago and I love it. (That does not mean that I don't want an iTouch, because I totally do. It just means that I appreciate the good times my mini has given me and prefer it to, say, Princess' very-hard-to-work mp3 player we gave her because children don't need iPods.) The mini has always been synced to our desktop since that's the computer we had when I received the iPod. I decided to sync it with my laptop today and am embarrassed to admit that I am totally confused/surprised. After a few minutes, I figured out how to transfer the music I purchased at iTunes. But, either I can't transfer the music I already owned or I am not smart enough to figure out how to do it. To be fair, I haven't tried very hard. I am one of those people that believes that this stuff should be very, very easy. If it isn't, I am generally too lazy to really go for it. One would never know that I work as a computer/internet professional based on my current iPod and Facebook problems. (Don't even get me started on Facebook!)

UPDATE: I found out how to do it and I am definitely too lazy to do it right now...if ever.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have wanted to post this bread recipe for quite a while. It is really tasty and very simple to make. Paco doesn't like homemade bread for sandwiches and stuff because it's too hard to have consistency in slice size. But, the kids loved it - it made great toast.

NOTES: You can probably get away with less sugar if you want. The recipe actually calls for more and I only use about 1/4 cup, although I think it's sometimes less. Also, I had intended to take more pictures and forgot. So, these are all you get.


* 2 cups warm water
* 1/4 cup white sugar
* 1 1/2 tablespoons active dry yeast
* 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
* 1/4 cup vegetable oil
* 6 cups bread flour


1. In a large bowl, dissolve the sugar in warm water, and then stir in yeast. Allow to proof until yeast resembles a creamy foam.
2. Mix salt and oil into the yeast. Mix in flour one cup at a time. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth. Place in a well oiled bowl, and turn dough to coat. Cover with a damp cloth. Allow to rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.
3. Punch dough down. Knead for a few minutes, and divide in half. Shape into loaves, and place into two well oiled 9x5 inch loaf pans. Allow to rise for 30 minutes, or until dough has risen 1 inch above pans.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Oh no!

I can't believe it has been this long. I mean, I *swear* it was just last week that I posted. UGH! Well, at least I am here now. Sadly, the picture of my fab tattoo is not on this computer, so that will have to wait. Here is a great photo of the kids on the first day of school.

I cannot believe Pirate is in school!

I will leave you with a recent conversation I had with Princess:

Princess: Do I have to go to college?

Me: Well, I wouldn't worry about that right now - you have 10 more years. You have no idea what you will want to do with your life!

Princess: I don't want to do anything big.

Me: What do you mean by "nothing big"?

Princess: I just want to work at Mighty Taco.

So much for my working in a professional position, as a Webmaster, inspiring my daughters to make something of themselves!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I am stronger today...

...than I was a month or two ago because I started running. Well, jogging. Anyway, a long time ago (if I had used labels I would know when, but I didn't) I made a list of all of the things I want to accomplish in my life and one of them is to complete a race. I told my friend I would do the Turkey Trot (an 8k) with him this year and since I couldn't even run to the corner at the time, I figured it was time to start training. I am proud to say that I can now jog 25 minutes without stopping. I am a bit slow, but I will work on my speed soon. I get up at 5 or 5:15 every week day to go to the gym before coming home to shower and get ready for work. I am a little disheartened today because I feel like my body should look different by now with all of this exercise. Paco insists that it does but I don't see it. However, I am focusing more on the running and the race and less on the weight loss and that seems to be working for me.

Completely unrelated news:
I got a tattoo. Come back soon for more info!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

A Day Late

Happy 4th! I really did mean to post yesterday, but vodka, camping and fun got in the way. So, I am doing it today.

I am currently sitting in a friends backyard, with a vodka tea*, watching men and children play Wiffle ball. I am in some shade on this hot day and really just enjoying myself.

Princess leaves for camp tomorrow; she is so excited! We had her hair cut this morning so it's a but easier for her to care for while she is away. She is taking a disposable camera with her...perhaps I'll post some of her pictures right here on this very blog!

That's it, folks. I hope you're all enjoying your holiday weekend!

*Apparently vodka-tea is a WNY thing. For those of you not from around these parts, you can make a vodka-tea by making instant iced tea then adding whatever amount of vodka you like. Citron works really well, but plain or any other flavor is also delicious.

Hey...does vodka-tea count as a recipe?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Another recipe with no picture

I have made a completely wonderful cake TWICE recently and have forgotten to take a picture both times so I could share it with you. The first time I decided not to post because I was sure I would remember the next time. I clearly shouldn't trust myself that much!

Anyway, to make a super yummy chocolate cherry cake, you need the following:

1 well greased Bundt pan
1 chocolate cake mix
1 21oz can of cherry pie filling
3 eggs
1 tsp almond extract (I forgot this in cake 2 and it was still a big hit)
1 oven preheated to 350 degrees

Blend the cake mix, pie filling, eggs and extract on high for two minutes. Pour into pan and bake for 45 to 55 minutes. Let it cool for 10 to 15 minutes in the pan, then turn it over to completely cool on a rack.

If you would like, make this simple chocolate glaze for the top:

Combine 1/2 cup chocolate chips, 1T butter, 2T milk, and 1/2 cup powdered sugar in a saucepan and heat over low until completely combined/melted. Pour over cooled cake.

Now eat it!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Weeked Continued

The cookout was a complete success. There was plenty of food and drink, even for the unexpected guests, and fun was had by all. The highlight for me was the rave reviews my rhubarb pie received. I have never made any sort of pie before (other than the pudding variety). Paco has been asking me since about the first day we met - 14 years ago - to make him a strawberry rhubarb pie and I have been too afraid. I can cook and bake many things, but pies just seemed too hard. Yesterday at the market, though, I took the plunge and bought some rhubarb. I will admit that I had some trouble with the crust, but for my first time it worked out okay. Sadly, I didn't think to take a picture. I used this recipe and highly recommend it. In fact, my mother-in-law even said it was good!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Weekend

Paco and I are having a Father's Day cookout tomorrow; I have so much to do. But, instead of doing dishes or looking for my outdoor napkin holder that matches my plastic-wear holder, I am blogging. Seriously, I need help. My house still needs to be picked up to a point that my mother can at least walk through on her way to the bathroom. Anyone who knows my mother will realize that it may not actually be possible to make my mother happy in this regard...I do have to try, though.

I bought a tomato plant at my local farmer's market today. I really, really wanted to plant a garden this year and it just didn't happen. But, this plant is already started and has some tomatoes started. As long as I don't kill it, I will at least grow a very small portion of the food we'll be eating this summer.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things I am Feeling Bitter About Right Now

1. Just as I was thinking of going to bed because I am so stupidly tired, I remembered that I have proofreading to do. (Probably at least 40 pages.) Now I can't go to bed. I probably shouldn't be wasting my time writing this...

2. A few days ago I posted about the car problems we were having. That cost $300. Two days later, we had to take the car back and LEAVE IT THERE. WE STILL DON'T HAVE IT. The new estimate is $1600.

3. Something I can't really talk about, but could use some prayers! I think something good is going to happen, but some very difficult things have to happen first and I am starting to lose faith.

4. Did I mention how tired I am?

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Feeling Funny?

I am currently feeling the need to be very funny. Problem is, I realize that I don't necessarily have the material I need to be funny. I mean, I am not a comedian or anything so I don't have constant jokes at my disposal (or in my brain for that matter). But, I like to think that I am an entertaining person. People near me often laugh. you think they're laughing *at* me? Horrors. I think I need some medication now.

ASIDE: I received a piece of flair on facebook that said "Automatic doors make me feel like a Jedi" and another that had a stick figure that was thinking "this is not a good sign" while looking at a sign that said "bad"...I think I am stuck in 7th grade because both of these made me laugh OUT LOUD.

Disaster of the Day

The car is sitting in the driveway leaking some sort of awful liquid. Paco is leaving in 15 minutes with his dad so he can get to work because I am going to have the car towed a little later. (Note the ridiculous time.) I feel like every drip that comes out of the car is a few more dollars added to the cost at the end of the day...I hate car repairs.

I am feeling a but guilty right now because Princess brought home a sheet for a field trip and she is wanting me to go with her; there is no way I can. She's going to be upset, though, because I just went on one with TBell. Paco can't go because he just took time off for childcare reasons and for Grandma's memorial service. AHHHH! I really do like working, but this is the stuff that is so frustrating. I just hope she understands that I would really love to go with her if it were more possible.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Trying Something New On

So, Jillian got a new template from here and I liked it so much, I thought I would try one, too! I am not sure this is the final one, though. I am still thinking. If I felt up to it, I would modify things I don't love to see if I would like it more. I am feeling lazy, though, and probably won't. I will say one thing - I *love* the pink.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Today is Grandma's memorial service. I still haven't really cried yet; I imagine today will be the day. Paco has to speak, so I know that will send me over the edge. We explained some of what is going to happen to the kids, and prepared them to see s crying. Princess said that she will cry, too, which is pretty characteristic as she is a pretty sensitive girl. TBell asked if we are going to eat...also pretty characteristic.

I am writing this post as I sit and drink a cup of coffee, waiting for the Paco to take a shower and the kids to wake up. It's been a long couple of weeks and I am anxious for this service to be over. Not only have I been stressed about today, but work has been particularly stressful the last couple of days in a way that is all-consuming. Maybe something stronger than coffee will do the trick.

A brighter note is that I am going to be fitted for a bridesmaid dress tomorrow for sister-in-law's wedding. The top will be champagne and the bottom will be black. I am planning on the getting the shorter skirt, but am still up in the air about the top. We are all (5 of us) allowed to pick whatever combination we want, so that's very nice. It's the beginning of a very expensive year since all five in this house are in the wedding.

That about sums up my life at the moment. I wrote some new articles that I will need to add links for. And, I am thinking of changing my layout...stay tuned!

PS - I just want to say how happy I am for Jillian and her recent good news. I have never met her, but she is a friend of a friend and therefore important to me. Congratulations, Jillian, on all of your recent good news!

UPDATE: Paco had to speak at the service today. He started crying before he even started talking, which caused Pirate to get upset. A minute later, I heard Princess wailing behind me (she was sitting with a friend of mine) and had to pawn Pirate off on my future sister-in-law so I could take Princess out of the sanctuary. She got upset when she heard Paco talk about how she was named after Grandma. Oh dear, at least the hardest part is over now. We are all getting changed and heading over for a more informal gathering that is sure to be fun.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Paco's grandmother passed away in her sleep the other day. Strangely, I haven't been able to really process it yet. My in-laws are planning a memorial service for the end of May - I think that's part of the problem...I need it to be sooner.

We told the kids and no one really said too much. However, two days later, I had this conversation with Pirate:

Pirate: I miss Butterball (Note - Butterball was my cat that lived at my parents house. He died about a year or two ago...sadly, I can't really remember when.)

Me: I know, honey. He was a nice cat.

Pirate: He's in heaven now.

Me: Yes.

Pirate: When will he come back?

Me: He won't come back, honey, once you're in heaven you stay there.

Pirate, eyes wide: Grandma Jane is in heaven!

Me: Yes honey, she is.

Pirate: But that means I won't ever say hello to her again. (Cries a bit and sits on my lap.)

This conversation is what I keep thinking about. I can't seem to cry, though, as sad as I am.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Vodka Drinks in the Afternoon

I am having a wonderful day off. It started out a bit shaky...Paco and I had an argument. But, we went to TBell's first soccer practice and saw some friends, which completely lightened our moods. Then, we came home and got some work done around the house. The girls have a friend over and I had some (two) vodka drinks. How much better can it get?

We are going to a birthday party for my sister's (sister 2) husband. I wonder if there will be vodka drinks there. Tomorrow TBell has a birthday party to attend and we all have a first communion party to attend. Expensive and busy Sunday!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Quick Tidbits

First, here is a link to my latest Associated Content article. Please read and give me 50 million stars!

Second, I won $17.50 in the split-club raffle at a dinner tonight. Woo hoo!

Third (and last), we now have a pet fish named Lava. Our red beta fish was the center piece of our table at the Amherst Youth Foundation Gala this past weekend. Paco and I thought the kids would like him, so we purchased him and brought him home as a surprise. The girls were very excited, but Pirate said that a fish is not a surprise. Oh can't please everyone.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Joy of it All

I am posting this from my kitchen table. You may be wondering why I would tell you something so silly. Well, I will tell you. We finally have a wireless network! I am using my fantastic new MacBook to give all of my thoughts to you. Yay!

First, we went to one of my boss' house today to pick up the wireless router I am currently using. We met each other's spouses while the kids played. We had a nice visit and were even able to unload some of our stuff (like a girl's bike, old winter coat, shoes, etc.).

Next we went to Aldi, where I got an awful lot for $50. I have some baking to do for a bakesale tomorrow and ended up getting so much more than what I needed. But, I am sure all of it will be used.

Paco and I actually set up a budget this morning. Wish us luck, or pray for us, or whatever you do, as we have never actually used or followed a budget before. We would really like it to work, though!

The plan for tonight, the last "fun" night of school break, is to use TBell's telescope. It is clear and almost 90 degrees here! Hopefully the night sky will be perfect for some family star-gazing.

That's it from here. What about you?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Over a year ago, Paco's sister got engaged. There was lots and lots of discussion about the date then lots of time when nothing happened. About 1 1/2 months ago the hall was finally booked.

Paco and I are splitting season tickets to UB football this year with my father. I had mentioned to Paco that I did not want to miss the Army game (Army is actually coming here to play UB - this is HUGE!) so to not plan on going to that particular game with a friend or anything. He said that he had assumed I would want to go and had planned on attending together.

When do you think sister's wedding is?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

And So it Goes...

Time seems to be passing even more quickly now than it was before. Working full time outside of the house is certainly making things interesting around here. My strict 7:00pm bedtime for the kids seems to have fallen by the wayside. Oh well...everything will settle in time, I am sure.

Paco's grandmother has continued to rally each day. I haven't had the chance to see her in over a week, but I hear she is actually sitting up and feeding herself.

We watched Transformers last night. I didn't get it. I mean, I got it, but don't really understand why it was a movie. The story took *forever* to unfold. The acting wasn't all that great. Josh Duhamel is in it, so that at least made it somewhat fun to watch. But, I really don't recommend watching it unless you really like robots or something.

That's all I got...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend Update

The MAC use is going really well. I am actually very confident and the transition has been very easy.

My job is swell. I love it.

Paco's grandmother is not doing well. We were told the end is here, only to have her rally and get better. Then, she got worse. Then better. Then worse. I think you get the idea. It has been a slightly stressful few days. The one upside is that we got to see my sister-in-law and Paco's aunt. His cousin may come tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My New Computer

This is my new computer for my new job! While I am a bit nervous since I haven't worked on a Mac in while, I have been assured by many people that the transition will be easy. Even more, I have been told that I will *never* go back to using plain, old windows. I am SO excited!

Need Help Planning a Garden Party?

Then click on the question to get some answers!

Monday, March 17, 2008

I Am Such a Good Mom! (No, really!)

The elementary school kids had a half day today for parent-teacher conferences. So I have my three kids as well as two other girls for most of the afternoon. For lunch, we had sausage and green eggs. Aren't I clever? The kids loved it. Now they are all playing with paper dolls and some elaborate game that involves hand-drawn bedrooms and stores. At least they are all happy. I am trying not to fall asleep, as my corned beef simmers on the stove. Today, this is a happy house!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

In Celebration of Easter

This morning at church, Paco reminded me how funny church was last Easter. To be more specific, it was the moments before church that were funny. I thought it would be nice to give you all a laugh in preparation for Easter 2008.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


...I am now employed! Thanks for all of the well-wishing and prayers! I am very excited and can't wait to get started.

In the meantime, I am working on a large print job for my local political friends and am getting *extremely* frustrated. The printer keeps jamming and the postcards keep ripping and there are roller marks all over the place. Why do I do this again?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My Inner Geek

I just came home from a job interview. Please say a prayer for me...I really want this job! It is a great combination of writing, marketing and technical stuff - my dream come true! I am fighting the urge to email the guy right now (roughly 1 hour since the interview ended) and let him know just how badly I want him to hire me. I realize this is a bad idea, but I *really* want to.

Princess turned 8 yesterday. I have an 8 year old! Crazy. If I were feeling more motivated, I would post a picture. However, any second two kindergarteners and two second graders are going to burst throught the front door - I have no time for play!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And Here It Is...

Okay, so it took me a little longer than I planned to post TBell's "after" picture. But, here it is!

She is still very excited about the style. I am getting used to her with shorter hair, although I do really miss her long locks! At least they went to a good cause. (Sorry for the darkness of the photos; I am not sure what is wrong!)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the big event in Pirate's life: he got "spenders" from Grammy! He is more excited that a person should be about suspenders, but at least he's cute enough to pull it off right now. It's only a matter of time, though, before he turns into Urkel!

PS - Please excuse the very messy floor you can see in the picture of Pirate. I am simply not a very neat person!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Wedding Story

My grandmother got married on New Years Eve. (Yes, I am aware of the many jokes this statement can generate!) I took the kids on a road trip (along with one sister and her two kids in my car) while Paco stayed at home. (He could not get the day off to go...don't get me started!) While I have proven many times that I am not a great photographer, I am very disappointed this time to not have many great pictures to post. I am putting two here, but I think my sister has some better ones on her blog.

This is the happy couple, along with most of the great grandchildren on our side of the family. The groom has a young great granddaughter and, at the time of the picture, one arriving any time.

This is TBell and my father. I just love this picture.

I have a great picture of my niece, but should probably get permission before I post it. Sadly, it is WAY too early for me to call and ask. (You may note the time this is posted...I have been up for a couple of hours and can't seem to get back to sleep. Ugh!)

Hair Today

TBell had her hair cut last Saturday for Locks of Love. Her hair was down to the small of her back and is now just past her chin! Princess also had this done when she was in Kindergarten, but it was much harder for me this time. (She does look cute now, although all of you have to wait because I just realized I don't have the "after" picture yet!) However, much more importantly, TBell is very excited to have donated her hair and she also loves the cut now. She listed a few people in her class who have all had their hair cut, so it was clearly time for her to have hers done! I like the idea of donating for obvious reasons. But, this time was even more important to me because we have a very close family friend who is in a battle with cancer and I think this was a way for a very young TBell to feel like she is helping.

I suppose it isn't really nice of me to post these pictures without a final one, but at least now you'll come back for more!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

'Nothing that's Necessary is Impossible'

That is a quote from a book I recently finished. It kind of made me stop and realize that I had very often, as of late, been feeling sorry for myself and had been thinking that perhaps I didn't want to keep working my current schedule. Never mind that it works for our family and the kids are settled and happy. I was miserable and mean. However, after reading that sentence and thinking about it for a while, I realized that my schedule isn't impossible and shouldn't make me unhappy. It's necessary and therefore doable.

In dinner news, my sister gave me and my kids a mix to make our own hot pretzels. So tonight, we had a "ballpark meal" that consisted of hot dogs, pretzels dipped in cheese and caramel popcorn. Definitely not the healthiest meal, but it was a lot of fun and the kids had a great time. I will post ordering info for the hot pretzels as soon as I figure out what Paco did with the bag; they were GREAT! I was a little apprehensive about them, but they were really easy to make - even the kids were able to do it. And, the taste was wonderful. I highly recommend them.
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