Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Feeling Funny?

I am currently feeling the need to be very funny. Problem is, I realize that I don't necessarily have the material I need to be funny. I mean, I am not a comedian or anything so I don't have constant jokes at my disposal (or in my brain for that matter). But, I like to think that I am an entertaining person. People near me often laugh. you think they're laughing *at* me? Horrors. I think I need some medication now.

ASIDE: I received a piece of flair on facebook that said "Automatic doors make me feel like a Jedi" and another that had a stick figure that was thinking "this is not a good sign" while looking at a sign that said "bad"...I think I am stuck in 7th grade because both of these made me laugh OUT LOUD.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How sad is it that we're blogging friends who are local. We're pathetic. Thanks for the comment on my last post...I'll keep you posted on the good things that come, whatever they may be! :)
Love and miss you!

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