Monday, November 27, 2006


I only have a little bit of time, so I thought I would just mention a few small things.

1. The Pinot Noir I bought for Thanksgiving, on recommendation from my friend at the liquor store, was horrible. I had spent more on the bottle than I normally would, but figured that it was for a holiday and that my father and I would be sharing it so I wanted it to be special. Blech!

2. We had a wonderful holiday. My sister came to visit just prior to the holiday and we had a great time visiting. (There was a even a formal portrait taken of all seven grandchildren with their my cool!) Then, we traveled to my aunt's mountain house in PA for a family-filled weekend of food and fun. Woohoo!

3. I am almost done Christmas shopping. I am not sure why I was able to finish so soon this year as I didn't really start much before the middle of November. But, it's nice to know that there isn't too much pressure now...I can just enjoy!

How was your Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Wine and Turkey

For those of you out there who are wondering what wine to serve on Thanksgiving, I thought I would give you my picks for a great pairing. Sometimes, a wine can make the meal - wouldn't you like to be the hero who brings the best bottle?

The absolute best wine to serve with turkey, in my opinion, is a Gewurztraminer. This is a slightly sweeter wine (which I would ordinarily never choose) that has a hint of effervescence (or bubbly). It most resembles a Riesling but has a great flavor of its own. Paired with turkey, this wine tastes incredible and is a must at your table.

If you prefer red wine, then go with a Pinot Noir. This red is mellow, so its flavor won't get in the way of the great food you are eating. Pinot Noir is also nice by itself, so you can sip it longer after you have left the table.

Happy Turkey everyone!

Thanksgiving Side of Fabulous

While I haven't made this dish in a very long time, I thought I would share it with you in case you would like to add it to your Thanksgiving table. (I realize that I am again not sharing a vegetarian recipe and I am very sorry, A. I *am* trying!)

Chop and cook 1 large onion in 1T of butter. (You can use cooking spray, also.) When the onion is about halfway done cooking, add 1 package of chopped bacon. (It's much easier to chop frozen bacon so you may want to stick it in the freezer prior to making this.) Completely cook the bacon and onion mixture. Then, add two jars of completely drained red cabbage and mix/heat completely.

This recipe is very easy, although it does take a little bit longer than you would think to cook through; don't be discouraged if it's not done in 10 minutes. The completed dish looks very pretty on a table and tastes INCREDIBLE!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


It is 4:00 in the morning. I have been up since 2:30. AHHHHHHHHHHH! I have been productive, however. So far I have finished my Sunday School lesson and almost finished my Christmas shopping for the kids. I love the internet! I only need two other items and those can be easily purchased at a store at some point. Actually, I am almost completely done with everyone - I am amazed! I only have a few more gifts to buy and then the wrapping can begin!

Princess had her cheer leading extravaganza last night. She was very cute. (We used a new camcorder to record the event and take pictures. I will try to hook it up soon so I can post one or two here.) She also had a complete meltdown afterwards which she attributed to being sad that the season is over. I think she is a bit too sensitive and really have no idea what I am going to do with her when she is a teenager. Honestly, I am often surprised when I realize that she isn't a teenager yet based on her behavior.

My sister is coming this weekend and is staying with me for the first part of her visit. My house is a mess and is in no state to have 4 more people (my sister, her two kids and her au pair) in it. I have been so busy, though, that I just haven't had time to worry about it. I also have so much to do in the roughly 12 hours I have until she gets here that I have no idea how I am going to get it all done. I should probably be doing dishes or something now, but I am afraid I will make too much noise and I would really prefer that the kids sleep. Even more frightening is that we are going away for Thanksgiving and I am not at all ready for that. I am normally so excited for these kinds of trips. This year, I am lucky if I remember that we are going half of the time!

What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Holiday Yums

Here is a quick recipe that is really delicious and easy to make.

Crush 5 candy canes into small pieces; set aside. Melt two bags of white chocolate chips in the microwave or double boiler. When melted, stir in 2 tsp. of mint extract and all of the candy cane pieces. Combine. Spread mixture onto baking sheet lined with wax paper and freeze. The candy is done when it is completely hard. After it is set, break into pieces. This looks really pretty in cellophane bags tied with pretty ribbon and an ornament.

I will try to add more holiday recipes as they come to me. Let me know if anyone tries this one - I know that Paco really likes it and am interested to know who else does!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Election Hangover

Well, election season is officially over in WNY. I am exhausted from the whole experience. There was a lot of work to do to this year, which is scary because I know that next year is going to be even worse on a town-level.

I want to share an interesting tidbit that came to my attention last night while attending a meeting. Now, I am not necessarily interested in discussing the politics surrounding this event, just the media portrayal associated with it. Congressman Reynold's was given a hard time, to say the least, about his involvement in the Mark Foley scandal involving a young man. There was a media circus, really, with accusations, press conferences and articles. In WNY, the press wanted Reynolds to be a villain. The interesting part is that in Florida, where Foley is from, Reynolds is a hero. Apparently, the media there credits Reynolds with saving Florida from Foley. What is my point, you ask? It is this: aside from my good friend who works in television, I *HATE* the media.

Enough politics. Coming soon: holiday celebrations!
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