Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Accidental Fudge

I have been a mad baker this Christmas Season. My [non-blogging] sister and I have spent many of the recent days making multiple batches of cookies to be given to various recipients. After she left yesterday, I made a batch of chocolate thumbprints because she didn't want any. Now, the finished product is fine, although I don't think I would make them again. But, because I lack some major housekeeping skills, I left the unused chocolate mixture out on the kitchen table last night when I was done. This morning, the stuff in the bowl resembled fudge. I stared it for a few minutes, then offered it to Paco. He took one spoonful and said, "Why did you make so little of it? Can you make more today?" I tasted it and it does indeed taste like fudge. This has to be the easiest fudge I have ever made. I think it may be easier than the spoon fudge I made in 7th grade in Home-Ec. I am going to make a much larger batch of it today to be sure that it works and will then post the recipe here for all of you to use. Mmmmm - I can't wait!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I didn't realize that I have not posted in so long. It really seems like just a day or two ago that I posted my rambling thoughts. Hmmm, I guess not! Anywho, I don't necessarily have too much to say right now. We are spending a lot of time working on the first verse of Joy to the World (the girls are singing it in the Christmas Pagent at church) and getting ready, then recovering from, various holiday parties.

Here are a couple of pictures from Mimi's house. Mimi is a [80 year old] friend of mine who wanted to do something special for the kids. So, she had them over for a lot of frosting, cupcakes, candy and reading. It was very nice, if a little messy and sugar-high-ish.

That's about it, folks. I will check in soon to offer more mind-numbing excitement!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I Don't Even Know What to Say

This story cracks me up. As a (so I've been told) strict parent, I sympathize with the mother. I mean, children need to face consequences for their actions. I am really more amused that the story was picked up by the Associated Press. Will they find out that I made Princess stand at the dinner table one night while eating because she couldn't stop jumping around in her chair? In just a day or two, someone in Little Rock, Arkansas may be fuming at the injustice of my six year old having to stand while eating spaghetti.

I think I need to go to bed.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More and More Writing

I don't write as often as I should. When I started spending the majority of time at home with my kids instead of in an office, the plan was for me to write in the evening after the kids are in bed. I believe this lasted for about one week. Then, for some strange reason, Paco and I became way too involved in nightly television. For those of you who have known me a while, you will think this is odd behavior for me. Until this year, I have very rarely been "addicted" to a TV series. Not to say that I don't appreciate pop culture or anything...I just had other things that I enjoyed doing more than watching a show. So far, in this television year, we spend 3 1/2 hours on Monday night watching TV; 1 hour on Tuesday; 2 hours on Thursday; 1 hour on Friday. THE MADNESS MUST END! I need to pay more attention to my writing (which I was hoping to improve!) and less attention to sitting on my couch.

To that end, please visit my new blog at This does not mark the end of the blog which you are currently reading, however. My new blog is dedicated to events or happenings that will directly interest people living in my town. My recipes for Life will still contain whatever content I feel like writing about!

PS - If I start having symptoms of withdrawal, please help me through my difficult time of television-separation!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

General Happiness

I have been intending to update for a few days now and keep getting sidetracked. As I write, the family is getting ready for Sunday school and church - it is the Season of Advent! - and I am squeezing in a few minutes of computer time. There are several things that I wanted to write about and, if I remember correctly, none of them are really related. (Not surprising, I know.) So, for this post, I am going to pass on the recipe that my sister posted a few days ago:

Crazy Easy Beer Bread

3 cups Self -rising flour
3 tablespoons white sugar
1 bottle (12 oz) beer

Mix the ingredients together and pour into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

I tend to add things to this bread, like spices or cheese or bacon, to add to the flavor. You can experiment with different types of beer, also, to change the flavor a bit. This bread is somewhat dense and goes really well with soup. I recently served cheesy potato soup for dinner with thick slices of beer bread...mmmmmmm!
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