Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tagged...I'm It

My sister tagged me; here I go!

a) Four job I have had in my life:

- Copier Salesperson
- Event Planner
- Proofreader
- Relevancy Administrator (prompting my father to exclaim, "Is that anything like a Knowledge Manager?")

b) Four movies I would watch over and over:

- Father of the Bride (with Steve Martin)
- The Princess Diaries (1 and 2)
- High School Musical (that's for you, Colleen)
- Clue

c) Four places I have lived:

- Buffalo, NY
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Sorry, folks...that's it!

d) Four TV shows I love to watch:

- Heroes
- How I Met Your Mother
- Studio 60
- Sports Night (I know, it's not on anymore. But, I LOVED it!)

e) Four places I have visited:

- Grand Cayman
- Jamaica
- Bermuda
- Mexico

f) Four websites I visit daily:

- weather.com
- wgrz.com (which is stupid, because I am often annoyed at them)
- google.com
- My bank

g) Four of my favorite foods:

- Melted cheese on bread (40 seconds in the microwave)
- Anything Mexican
- Sushi
- Seafood

h) Four places I would like to be right now:

- Disney World
- That 5 star hotel in Dallas
- Camping in South Gibson, PA
- Getting a massage

i) Four bloggers I'd like to tag:

- Law Fairy, because I would like to know more about her

- Thought Runner because he can make me laugh

- Longnoodle because I would like to meet her someday

- Pastor Steve, because he is a cool guy

Friday, October 27, 2006

Storm and Chaos

If you think that it's been forever since I have posted, it has. The (stupidly named) October Surprise Storm 2006 really gave WNY a beating. So many people went without power for days - some are still without it and it has been over two weeks now. I was lucky enough not to lose my electric or heat, so we ran a sort of mini-shelter and on the first weekend had 18 people in our small house. But, there was a lot of drinking and game playing and only moderate stress between me an my mother-in-law.

This is a picture taken early the next morning - can you see the line down behind the van? So many lines were knocked down from the heavy limbs that fell off of our trees.

This is my neighbor's house right afterward.

I could really go on and on about all of the damage this storm caused. Interestingly, the snow melted within two days, leaving trees and limbs everywhere. We were told that the weight of the snow on the still leaved-trees is what caused the problem; the trees were just not strong enough to hold all of that weight. There are still areas that look like a war zone. Clean up may take up to two months. The kids had nine days off of school. The whole thing has been incredible, really.

Okay, I will stop...for now! I am just glad to be back online! (I just got internet service about an hour ago. Woohoo!)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Autumn = Delicious

We had sliced apples for a snack the other day. Now, apples are pretty good on their own (although I admit they are not my favorite food) but are even better with additional sugar! So, I also provided two dips to enhance our snacking pleasure - caramel and peanut butter caramel. Now, if you have never had the peanut butter caramel sauce for apples, you must stop what you are doing right now and get some...it is incredible! You can warm it up right in the tub and start snacking in about a minute. I realize that this takes away some of the nutritional value that apples have, but I guarantee that it is totally worth it!

I also love autumn because the meals get heartier. The other day, I made a sort of mock-jambalaya that was out of this world. I sauteed some chopped, smoked sausage with cut up shrimp in just a little bit of butter and white wine. At the same time, I prepared two packages of Lipton Rice and Sauce (I think I used the Cajun flavor, but you can really pick whatever you want) in a separate pot. When everything was done, I mixed it all together and served it. The whole meal probably took about 15 minutes to cook/heat and everyone loved it. Even better, you can use whatever type of meat you want. I happened to have shrimp because my grocery store had a great sale. But, you could also use chicken, pork or any type of sausage. I guess you could try tofu, also, but I have never prepared anything with it so I can't really say.

Last but not least, I got a new crock pot! My in-laws gave me one for my birthday last week since I have been using their original one from my mother-in-law's bridal shower. This thing has so many options and settings that it may require an additional degree just to operate it. I am hoping to try it soon, though, and will keep all of you informed on my (*hopeful*) successes!
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