Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"She's a very sweet and helpful girl; she just talks too much."

Tbell came home from school yesterday with a note from her teacher that I needed to sign. The note said that she had gotten in trouble for talking too much and was given several warnings about it before having to take down a picture. (The kids have three small pictures of themselves up on a wall. Similar to 'three strikes and you're out,' they have chances before a more serious consequence happens.) Now, she only had to take one picture down but she also lost 5 minutes of play time. When I asked if she was sad that she had lost a picture for the day, she just shrugged and said no. Then she told me that there was better stuff in the papers underneath the teacher's note. Now, I wouldn't ordinarily call the teacher about something like this, but I happened to have another issue to bring up so I decided to try. We spoke about the other thing first and then I brought up TBell's indifference to being in trouble. Mrs. P laughed and said the quote above. I noted that TBell didn't speak for quite a while - no sounds at all. In fact, the pediatrician wanted me to have her evaluated for speech therapy but I never got around to it. Then, she turned three, and she hasn't shut up. Mrs. P said that she was the same way and that her teachers must have felt the same way. I told her that we would try to work on being quiet at home, but that TBell is either talking or asleep. Happily, she got a good worker award today and proudly told me that she did not talk too much. Too funny. (I had a very hard time keeping a straight face while discussing this with her. She really cracks me up.)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Crock Pot Happiness

I made a roast in the crock pot today, with a recipe courtesy of my friend Ellen. All you do is put the roast in (mine was 4.5 pounds) and add the contents of one or two jars of peppercinis (juice and all) along with some garlic. I used one jar of sliced of peppercinis and one jar of sliced banana peppers. We sliced the meat and served it on rolls. My friend served hers on pita's with a cucumber and dill salad. Paco wouldn't eat that, so I just served mine with a side of cheesy rice. Mmmmmm! So good and easy.

I don't think the picture really does it justice, but it was taken with my cell phone and my cell phone is really a piece of crap.

Monday, September 10, 2007

WARNING: It Hurts to be Hit in the Face With a Rubber Dinosaur

You may not think so, but it really does! It also hurts to be kicked in the shin by a four year old boy doing an unauthorized cartwheel. I suppose it would have hurt even if the cartwheel had been authorized, but you get the idea. Other than those two events, the class went very well. I really did enjoy myself and think I will survive the year.

My First Day

Today is my first day teaching preschool. I can't decide if I am nervous. I mean, the knowledge I will be handing out isn't that difficult. But, will I have the patience for a crying three year old who misses his mommy? Or, will I deal correctly with the little boy who bites and hits his friends? I have no idea. We will all know soon, though!

Last night I realized that I am not completely in school mode yet as far as parenting goes. As I was going to bed, I saw the piles of paper I had removed from the backpacks on Friday afternoon - untouched for the weekend on the back of the computer table. It turns out that TBell needed to wear yellow today and Princess needed a form filled out. At least I noticed it last night instead of on my way to the bakery this morning at 5am. But, things would have been much less stressful had I remembered before bedtime on Sunday!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I Have No More Babies

I am not one to cry. Well, at least not during crisis situations or things like that. But, all three of my kids went to school. Now I was fine when Princess and TBell got on the bus (TBell started kindergarten) and I was fine when I dropped Pirate off at school. It was when got home that it started - it was then that I realized that I have no more babies and it kind of hurt a little.

Here are pictures of the big day!

Princess is very proud of this outfit - she finds it to be very fashionable. I think she looks like she is going to school in the 80's! I remember my mother forbidding me to wear stretch pants under my skirts and shorts. I imagine she will kill me when she sees Princess get off the bus today!

This is my absolute favorite dress. I just LOVE polka dots. Isn't she too cute?

All grown up. He kept saying things today like, "Don't tickle the school boy!"

All three, smiling.
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