Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Weekend

Since our children were born, they have spent the night with grandparents if Paco and I had a wedding or party or something. Also, the girls have each gone away from us on there own for various trips or overnights. Paco and I have each taken trips individually without the children. But, never before have we both been gone at one time for any length of time...until this weekend - and I can't tell you how excited I am! Paco is away on business and I will be meeting him there tomorrow night, in a hotel room paid for by his company! Then, on Saturday, we will be going to my cousin's wedding. We will spend another night away, go to a family brunch on Sunday and then come home. I have been busy packing tonight, in the ridiculous heat, and generally stressing because I have so much to do. (Luckily, a deadline was changed so I do not need to spend the entire night compiling grants in Adobe Writer since I just got the software and am not entirely sure how to use it yet.) I am still doing laundry but have gotten a lot more done than I expected to. Wait...have I mentioned that Paco and I are going away?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Various Tidbits of Information

I have no idea how so many days occur between my posts. I very often intend to write, but then get lazy or busy or something and the moments passes. However, I am currently sitting at my computer while the rest of the family is outside and I decided that it is the perfect time to write a mixed bag sort of post.

I worked at the bakery this morning and I have to say that it was my most enjoyable day there so far. Sadly, it was enjoyable because I was having completely inappropriate conversations with my coworkers, but for some reason we couldn't stop. And the conversations were funny. I think I laughed for an hour straight. Isn't it nice to do that sometimes? I don't think that the perfect environment will occur for that type of conversation to happen again (such as those two coworkers with me, no customers, strange moods, etc.) and it really shouldn't since we talked about things that would absolutely offend some people, but I kind of hope that it does happen again because it was just plain fun.

In cooking news, I found out something about crock pots. Now, it may be something that all of you know. However, I most assuredly did not and I was stunned - you do not need to add water/liquid when cooking in a crock pot. For some reason, I was sure that you did. The other day, I was looking online for a crock pot/pork tenderloin recipe because it was too hot to turn my oven on and we had no gas for the grill. I didn't feel like my normal recipe with beer, so I looked for a new way. I came across several recipes that did not involve liquid. So, I tried it just coated in a rosemary blend I have along with some pepper. IT WAS FANTASTIC! I have to say, this opens up a whole new world for me!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Travel Nightmare

As you read, we are just recovering from the travel disaster which occured on Princess' way home from Disney. Now, we are dealing with another one! Paco was in Denver for business and was supposed to be home last night. After arriving in Philadelphia with enough time to make his connecting flight (they arrived at the gate with 20 minutes to spare), they were told that the flight had left early! EARLY! When does a flight ever leave early? There was a huge line of people waiting for what was *supposed* to be a full flight that had already left. USAir didn't seem to care, though. They said that the pilot was about to lose his flight time (something to do with the number of hours a pilot can fly before being grounded for rest) so the plane had to leave. Paco tried two different hotels with no luck. I think he is on his way home now. I had to call in to the bakery because I had no sitter for 5am. My sister was supposed to come over at 8 when Paco would have normally left for the office, but certainly couldn't leave her own family to come be with mine. What is really frustrating is that I am sure USAir won't do a &%*# thing about it!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Updates and More!

For those of you who are interested, I am enjoying my work at the bakery. We don't do any baking at our location - it is all trucked over from another (larger) location two times a day. (Someone does come in to make sandwiches and some of the pizza we sell.) So, as an opener, I am mostly responsible for setting up the store with the yummy goods and serving the few customers who are there between 6am and 9am. (My actual shift starts at 5 - the store opens at 6.) I was told in my interview that I can eat as many doughnuts and as much pizza as I want while I am working. I told the manager that this was a terrible thing to tell me! But, in fairness, doughnuts are not really my downfall. Pizza can be bad for me, but typically not that early in the morning. I have tried some yummy desserts that I have never had before, but overall I don't think my eating is too bad considering the circumstances.

My job at the grocery store is actually over before it really got off and running. I was able to quit because a woman I work for out of my home heard that I was working two jobs and guaranteed me enough hours to be able to quit at least one. Woohoo!

We ate the friendship bread, discussed in my last post, before I could take a picture of it - TBell and Pirate LOVED it! I have some other starters, but I think I ruined them because I forgot to take care of them. So, the project may be a bust now.

Princess just arrived back from a week in Walt Disney World with my parents. (My sister and her children joined them as well.) She had a wonderful time and was full of stories today. You could really tell that she was glad to see TBell and Pirate and that they were thrilled to see her - it warmed my heart! Airtran really (*$(^*$(% up the traveling, though, with a VERY late flight home and lost luggage. It seems that every time my parents travel via Airtran, their flight home is a disaster. It is to the point now that I highly recommend that no one use them at all!

I have some great pictures to post, but I am way too lazy to upload them right now. (They are still on the camera.) I promise to take care of it soon!

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 03, 2007


I am very tense and tired. I don't want to be tense and tired. I have tried to will myself to be a bit happier and light of heart, but to no avail. There is a lot going on right now and I really just need to wait it all out. But, it's frustrating to do that. One major thing is a dinner which I am co-chairing - this event has caused a lot of annoyance and I will be very glad when it is over tomorrow night. However, I did get a new dress for the occasion and am excited about that.

In baking notes, I recently received a starter for 'Friendship Bread.' I LOVE this bread and haven't had it in so long. A grandmother who drops her grandson off at TBell's preschool gave it to me and I can't wait to have it. I will post a picture of it when it's baked. Does anyone want a starter bag?
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