Monday, July 28, 2008

I am stronger today...

...than I was a month or two ago because I started running. Well, jogging. Anyway, a long time ago (if I had used labels I would know when, but I didn't) I made a list of all of the things I want to accomplish in my life and one of them is to complete a race. I told my friend I would do the Turkey Trot (an 8k) with him this year and since I couldn't even run to the corner at the time, I figured it was time to start training. I am proud to say that I can now jog 25 minutes without stopping. I am a bit slow, but I will work on my speed soon. I get up at 5 or 5:15 every week day to go to the gym before coming home to shower and get ready for work. I am a little disheartened today because I feel like my body should look different by now with all of this exercise. Paco insists that it does but I don't see it. However, I am focusing more on the running and the race and less on the weight loss and that seems to be working for me.

Completely unrelated news:
I got a tattoo. Come back soon for more info!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

A Day Late

Happy 4th! I really did mean to post yesterday, but vodka, camping and fun got in the way. So, I am doing it today.

I am currently sitting in a friends backyard, with a vodka tea*, watching men and children play Wiffle ball. I am in some shade on this hot day and really just enjoying myself.

Princess leaves for camp tomorrow; she is so excited! We had her hair cut this morning so it's a but easier for her to care for while she is away. She is taking a disposable camera with her...perhaps I'll post some of her pictures right here on this very blog!

That's it, folks. I hope you're all enjoying your holiday weekend!

*Apparently vodka-tea is a WNY thing. For those of you not from around these parts, you can make a vodka-tea by making instant iced tea then adding whatever amount of vodka you like. Citron works really well, but plain or any other flavor is also delicious.

Hey...does vodka-tea count as a recipe?
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