Thursday, January 26, 2006

More from Nothing!

It seems we are still recovering from viruses and illness. Princess stayed home from school today with an ear infection. I am starting to feel that this blog should have been dedicated to the difficulties of being a "work outside the home" mother. Having just recently returned to full time employment (I was mostly at home for more than two years), I am having trouble coordinating work and home tasks. I thought my blog would feature all of the recipes I would make for my loving family...I did not consider that working full time would seriously limit the amount of home made things I cook.

I did make shrimp scampi for friends last week. I made it by referencing many different recipes (mostly from and choosing the things I liked best from all of them.

Melt 4T butter in a large saucepan
Add 1/4 cup olive oil
Add 1/4 cup Chardonnay
Add shrimp until pink, then remove

Add 3T crushed garlic, 3T oregano
Add 1 box cooked angel hair pasta, add more oil to taste
Add shrimp back to pan, cook for 3 minutes more

Pour into bowl, cover with freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

This was a big hit. I served it with crusty bread and chardonnay.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I am back

Well, I realize that I have been missing for some time. I suppose that there are things that have (remarkably) taken precedence over this blog. I will try not to let that happen again.

I also have given some thought to the fact that I really should have more recipe's on here since that is supposed to be the main purpose. However, I seem to get distracted by other things...such as my current issue with Princess and her need to go to the nurses office every day. Or, Pirate's terrible temper. Or, Pirate and TBell's fever. Quite frankly, there has not been any great cooking in our house! Last night's dinner was reheated meatballs with jarred sauce on rolls. (Most of our meals this week were like this.) I must endeavor to make a little bit more of an effort!

On a positive note, I have managed to take care of some MD appointments that I have been putting off. I encourage everyone to take care of similar things - I feel so much better!

Please stay tuned for recipe's...I promise!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Life just keeps coming!

I don't know if I mentioned that TBell and Pirate had walking pneumonia over the Christmas break. Now Paco is home with strep throat; clearly our house needs a good airing out! The stress of getting back to normal life after the holidays is accompanied by a sick husband.

Another really exciting development is that our van is costing me $415 that I don't have! I dropped it off this morning for an inspection and was told this afternoon that it won't pass until certain repairs are made. I really don't like cars and would love to move to a city so I wouldn't have to depend on one.

I am still trying to decide on dinner; I will post my decision with a recipe later.

I hope that all of you (not sure how many there are...1 or 2?) have a much better day than I am...!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Heppy New Year

Well, the holidays are over. Everyone is extremely tired; Princess is not looking forward to waking up for school again. We have one more day off in our household and then it is back to normal. This time of year always seems so long!

MJWD and OtherD are having us over tonight to play and eat. So, there is no wonderful New Year's Day recipe to share with you. I grew up eating ham on New Year's Day and for a while tried to keep that tradition going. Paco did not feel as strongly, however, and the whole thing came to be too much effort. My friend One Hit is having ham today and was struggling with how long to cook it. We have decided that 15 minutes a pound will work, although ham is difficult to ruin so I think whatever ends up happening will be fine. I will ask her to keep us posted on her efforts!

Happy New Year!
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