Sunday, January 01, 2006

Heppy New Year

Well, the holidays are over. Everyone is extremely tired; Princess is not looking forward to waking up for school again. We have one more day off in our household and then it is back to normal. This time of year always seems so long!

MJWD and OtherD are having us over tonight to play and eat. So, there is no wonderful New Year's Day recipe to share with you. I grew up eating ham on New Year's Day and for a while tried to keep that tradition going. Paco did not feel as strongly, however, and the whole thing came to be too much effort. My friend One Hit is having ham today and was struggling with how long to cook it. We have decided that 15 minutes a pound will work, although ham is difficult to ruin so I think whatever ends up happening will be fine. I will ask her to keep us posted on her efforts!

Happy New Year!

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