Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Joy of it All

I am posting this from my kitchen table. You may be wondering why I would tell you something so silly. Well, I will tell you. We finally have a wireless network! I am using my fantastic new MacBook to give all of my thoughts to you. Yay!

First, we went to one of my boss' house today to pick up the wireless router I am currently using. We met each other's spouses while the kids played. We had a nice visit and were even able to unload some of our stuff (like a girl's bike, old winter coat, shoes, etc.).

Next we went to Aldi, where I got an awful lot for $50. I have some baking to do for a bakesale tomorrow and ended up getting so much more than what I needed. But, I am sure all of it will be used.

Paco and I actually set up a budget this morning. Wish us luck, or pray for us, or whatever you do, as we have never actually used or followed a budget before. We would really like it to work, though!

The plan for tonight, the last "fun" night of school break, is to use TBell's telescope. It is clear and almost 90 degrees here! Hopefully the night sky will be perfect for some family star-gazing.

That's it from here. What about you?


Unknown said...

Ah wireless....can't live without it! Welcome to my world (I tend to post poolside in the summer)'ll never be chained to your desk again! Glad the job is going well and I wish you luck with the budget. I'm a true budget girl (would you have thought I'd be anything else?), so I know you'll be fine! :)

Anonymous said...

LOng time no comment! Wait, where are you that it's 90 degrees? I refuse to believe that Buffalo can get that hot in April.
So, cooking story: tonight I wanted to bake brownies but we were out of eggs. I read on the interweb that I could substitute a baking powder-oil-water concoction for eggs. I ended up with cardboard brownies. Yicch.

Michele said...

Thanks, Jen. I'll keep you posted!

Ashely, can you stand it? I can't believe how warm it was here. Crazy!

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