Monday, September 08, 2008

Oh no!

I can't believe it has been this long. I mean, I *swear* it was just last week that I posted. UGH! Well, at least I am here now. Sadly, the picture of my fab tattoo is not on this computer, so that will have to wait. Here is a great photo of the kids on the first day of school.

I cannot believe Pirate is in school!

I will leave you with a recent conversation I had with Princess:

Princess: Do I have to go to college?

Me: Well, I wouldn't worry about that right now - you have 10 more years. You have no idea what you will want to do with your life!

Princess: I don't want to do anything big.

Me: What do you mean by "nothing big"?

Princess: I just want to work at Mighty Taco.

So much for my working in a professional position, as a Webmaster, inspiring my daughters to make something of themselves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha!! I love children's ambitions. They're so sweet and uncomplicated.

One of my brothers, ten years my junior, announced when he was four that he was going to be a school bus driver. He obsessed about this for YEARS. He collected toy buses and drove them around on the carpet for hours.

Maybe you could take this opportunity to teach Princess the ins and outs of making delicious Mexican food, and by the end she'll want to be a chef, instead of working with the badly-mustached teenage outcasts at Mighty.

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