Saturday, April 29, 2006

Weekend Activities

I believe that I have mentioned in previous posts that I volunteer for various organizations. Well, tomorrow is a spring brunch for one of them at which I am the basket chair. The basket chair heads the drive to have members donate cash, gift certificates or (nice) objects to be bid on by attendees. This part wasn't all that difficult, although my living room looks like a basket-bomb went off in it right now. A bunch of us got together a couple of weeks ago to put most of the stuff together, so I was able to have other people do the creative part; I do not wrap or create beautiful packages. The remaining donations are thrown together in baskets which Paco brought up from our basement...I can assure you that they will be ripped apart as soon as I walk into the country club tomorrow and will be re-assembled by those who know better.

The main reason I brought the brunch up is that I was also assigned to do the programs. Now, my mother my mother is very creative and had made programs for our last officer installation dinner. I did help her with the computer part, as she doesn't even know how to turn one on. But, she did the ribbons and bows and everything else. As soon as that dinner was over, the chairwoman of this brunch came right over and insisted we do the programs. The point of all this? MY MOTHER WENT ON VACATION. I had to do the programs by myself. I ended up making fake bows because I can't tie nice ones. UGH! I am so stressed about these stupid programs and cannot wait until tomorrow is over.

In other news, Paco is having a horrible time dealing with Princess. The two of them seem to be, well, um...I guess bickering is the best word. Princess certainly is showing signs of being a teenager. (It is important to note here that we have a good many years until she is actually a teenager.) Her attitude has been rather dramatic and there has been a lot of "But that's not fair!" and "I don't want to!" Perhaps it's because I am also a moody female, but I am able to deal with these outbursts much better than Paco. How does one teach a father how to deal with a daughter? I am finding myself irritated with both of them and sometimes actually lecturing my husband as if he is one of the children. Why did no one tell me it would be this difficult!?!?!?


K_i_c_k_p_l_e_a_t said...

This is your loyal reader speaking. I think your programs turned out beautiful!

And as for Princess, I can remember several irrational pre-teen and teen outbursts of my own, where I think back and think "Wow, I was totally in the wrong." But God himself couldn't have convinced me otherwise. Parents are the most patient people in the world! (But Princess sure is starting early.)

In other news, get a load of my new sewing blog!

Anonymous said...

I had a diary from when I was around 10 or so, and I complained about the most ridiculous things. Of course, I can't remember any of them right now, but I was a real brat. I thought my parents were unfair about everything. It turns out they were right, but when you're a kid, you don't see that.

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