Sunday, April 09, 2006

Summer Food

It's only spring (a term used loosely in WNY) and yet I am finding myself anxiously awaiting summer food. We went to dinner at a friends house yesterday, passing cornfields on the way, and my mouth started watering. The kids began discussing corn on the cob and whether Princess would be able to eat it with her teeth starting to fall out. (The tooth fairy came for the first time on Friay night!) I cannot wait to have grilled meat and veggies with iced tea and frozen treats. I find that I have had enough stew, chili and meatloaf for quite a while. As Easter is just one week away, I will focus on some yummy warm weather food to get us through until our true summer arrives.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I've been thinking similar thoughts and keep wanting to push things by buying tomatoes. But I don't, forcing myself to wait another couple months.

It's almost strawberry time, though!

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