Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have been on a vacation from writing for a while. The problem is, however, that I don't feel all that refreshed. In fact, every time I have thought of posting an entry here or submitting a new article, I have become slightly annoyed. Becoming annoyed does not entertain my readers, though, or pay the bills (or buy me Tim Horton’s coffee!) like my articles do. So, I am back. Perhaps with some *forced* writing under my belt I will get back into the swing of things.

I had intended to write about our Christmas celebration but that seems so far away now. The kids did have a good time and seemed happy with the gifts they received. I gave Paco a fake Tag watch that I purchased on a trip to NYC and he gave me this iPAQ. All in all it was a nice holiday and I am sad that life has to get back to normal now!

Because I am always getting myself into more and more, I have decided to accept the presidency of one organization I belong to as well as join a new board within the structure of our town government. I am exited about the board position as it seems to really have an actual impact on policy and budget in the particular department it is part of. It does add more meetings to my month, but I think that it will be time well spent.

Anyway, that is the news here. I will try to write more so that I will again be entertaining you with the details of my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you're back. I know what you mean about the slight annoyance when you think of posting, because that's what made me stop my sewing blog.

I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! I had a good time out in Indiana with the folks, and then I came back wanting to cook like crazy, which worked out well except for two monumental CrockPot disappointments. I learned that the CrockPot is fallible. Not everything that is slow-cooked is heavenly to eat! I'm looking in your direction, brown rice!

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