Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Morning Happiness

Princess started back to school today. She was so excited. In fact, she kept coming downstairs last night to find out if it was morning; she was too excited to sleep. I can only hope that this excitement lasts the whole year...I have heard that even 1st grade has a lot of homework and is generally much more work than kindergarten.

I am enjoying quite a bit of peace and quiet this morning as I blog and drink my coffee. This is partly because Pirate would not sleep last night; we ended up bringing him downstairs so he would not keep Princess up with his screaming. And, this is what happens when Pirate is up too late...he turns into a monster!

I guess TBell must have known what I was thinking, because as I type she is walking down the stairs. So much for peace and quiet!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am now laughing so hard I'm practically in tears...thanks for perking up the morning! : )

Michele said...

Kim, I am here for your entertainment pleasure!

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