Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Life Continues

You would think that I would be around more since I am not working in an office anymore. For some reason, I feel like I am even more busy. On a positive note, I have been following my "orders" and have been getting the kids out of the house and (for the most part) have been keeping everything picked up. However, being good means that I am very rarely sitting at my computer. NO FUN! Pirate and TBell are playing right now, so I thought I would check in and post some pictures.

Princess started cheerleading this year. I think it's an awful big commitment - especially for someone her age - and am not sure if she is going to do it again next year or not. But, she loves it and is having a great time.

TBell had to wear her UB cheerleading outfit so she could be just like her big sister on game day.

Last weekend we drove by a garage sale and bought this bike for only $40! Since Pirate is turning three next month, we bought it for him as an early birthday gift. We could never afford one at full price...Power Wheels start at $180 and just go up from there. He absolutely loves it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of adorable tykes. And I am not at all surprised that you haven't had time to post since leaving Work. I have found that keeping a house clean is the never-ending chore-of-a-lifetime, and I can't imagine adding three busy kids to the equation. You rock even harder for doing it all before AND Working!

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