Thursday, September 07, 2006

It Begins...

Check out my recently published content on AC:
Raising Respectful Children


Anonymous said...

I just voted for your AC article. I gave it a 5 out of 5. It bumped your overall score up to a 3.7. Feel free to cut me in on a portion of that 7 bucks.

Michele said...

Stop on buy for one glass of cabernet...that's about all I have to share!

Anonymous said...

Likely story. Writer hits the big time and forgets all the little people who knew her when...

Anonymous said...

Terrific article! Gee, since I think we (you, Sarah, me) were discussing just those points on our walk back from Subway, maybe you can make Colleen share some of that $7.00...

Michele said...

How about you guys just come over one day for grilled cheese?

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