Sunday, July 22, 2007


I made the most amazing pizza for dinner tonight. I suppose it won't sound all that extraordinary, but let me assure you that it was FAB! I used dough from the bakery - the kind that you have to let rise and then punch down and rise again. I do have a great recipe to make my own, but I chose to buy with my discount today. At $1 a bag, it's hard to resist. I brushed it with olive oil, sprinkled oregano, then spread pizza sauce. On top of the sauce, I put cut up meatballs, jalapenos, and mozzarella cheese. I really don't think that I can tell you how good it was. The kids had a plain cheese version that was also very, very good.

TBell fell off a swing after dinner and smacked her head on the very hard ground. I was worried that she may have a slight concussion, but Paco insists that she is fine. I suppose she probably is okay, but I am watching her very closely anyway.

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