Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fair Food

I don't know if fairs, carnivals and festivals are as big a deal in other parts of the country as they are here. It seems like we could spend every weekend of the summer riding rides, petting animals, and eating fantastic (greasy) food. This past weekend a co-worker and I took Princess and TBell to a corn festival about 40 minutes away. What I found most interesting about this experience is that there was very little corn! There was, however, tacos, pierogies, cabbage with noodles, cream puffs, eclairs, pizza, corn dogs, ice cream, ice cream dots, frozen bananas (which I sadly did not have), fudge, sangria slushies, chicken wings, chicken BBQ, and I think many things that I am forgetting. Perhaps most importantly, there was fried Twinkies, fried Oreos, fried Snickers, and fried peanut butter cups. My co-worker and I split an order of the fried peanut butter cup, shown below. It was super rich and is the reason I didn't have the chocolate covered frozen banana as I had planned. The chocolate melted right underneath the fried batter with the peanut butter slightly keeping it's form...it was downright sinful!

1 comment:

Marsha said...

We introduced the kids to funnel cake in the spring. Definitely a rite of passage. Now, funnel cake may be retro and all - it's no fried cheesecake - but I still think it reigns supreme in the field.

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