Monday, July 17, 2006

Sunday Eats

We had dinner at my parents house last night. It was actually hosted by myself and Paco, but they have air conditioning and Grandma Jane wouldn't come unless there was air conditioning because it has been so hot and humid. Anyway, it was great fun - the kids and Paco enjoyed the newly purchased Slip-n-Slide (after Paco cleaned out the gutters) while the rest of us enjoyed watching.

The best part of the night, though, was the food. Now, I know that I have mentioned my sloppy joes before...if you haven't made them yet, you must try them! It has been so stinkin' hot here that I didn't really want to cook. So, I made crock pot sloppy joes for dinner and there were a HUGE hit! We also served home-grown corn (which we prepare by soaking in the husks for a few hours then putting them directly on the grill - until parts are black from cooking). For dessert, I made (prepared) ice cream pies. Take a pie shell (individual or regular sized) and fill with softened ice cream. I used two granola pie crusts and filled one with creme brulee ice cream and one with butter pecan. Then, put the pie in the freezer to set. Just before serving, I covered both pies with caramel sauce and toasted nuts, then topped the pieces with whipped cream. The whole meal was fantastic and incredibly easy.

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