Sunday, July 30, 2006

Has it Been That Long?

I can't even give adequate explanations for my absence. I can say that it has been ridiculously hot, although I guess that doesn't excuse my absence. Um, Paco was traveling for a bit...he severely sprained his wrist the night he returned because he *had* to play softball. Does that excuse me? Anyway...

We had an 80th birthday party yesterday for Paco's grandmother. It was really nice because so many family members came even though we all live in different places (and states) and have entirely different schedules. Despite my being rather nasty to a woman who *dared* to mutter that TBell was a brat (while I admit that my kids can misbehave, I take great pride in their public behavior), I had a good time and am glad that we went. This party marked the third or fourth time that my kids have been in the company of great-grandparents this summer...what can be better?

I made a great cake for the party - it's called a Cannoli Cake. I PROMISE to post the recipe soon. If hadn't been so hot, causing the stupid thing to start to melt, it would have been perfect! It is a triple layered vanilla cake filled with chocolate chip Cannoli filling.

Have I mentioned how stupidly hot it has been?


Marsha said...

Oh, cannoli cake? Was it good? I love cannolis!

Did someone really say your girl is a brat? Someone to whom you're related? What was Tbell doing at the time? What did you say? Do you have (more of a) rep in the family now? Oooh...I don't know how I'd handle that one. Luckily my in-law side of the family sweeps things under the rug rather than actually say stuff out loud.

Michele said...

The cannoli cake was VERY tasty.

The "offensive" woman is no one that anyone cares about - dating the brother of someone married into the family. What was very nice, and quite surprising, was that everyone who heard the story had my back! Apparently everyone in Paco's family loves my kids...if not me! ;)

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