Saturday, December 08, 2007


There have been many times that I have been lucky enough to benefit from the kindness of both friends and strangers. While I do try to contribute my share of good deeds with the world, I do not believe that I have come close to reciprocating enough. Today, I was told by a friend of mine that he has managed to get the one toy for me that Pirate has asked for this Christmas. This particular item is not made anymore and is going on eBay for around $150 to $200. (I would guess it's original price was somewhere around $25.) Paco and I have been brainstorming different ways to come up with a homemade version, all the while telling Pirate that Santa called and said that the elves were really struggling and that the stores just didn't have one. I have been sad because this is the first Christmas that Pirate really understands things (both religious and commercial) and he was just asking for a stupid toy and I couldn't do it. We say no to our kids a lot and it was killing me that I couldn't indulge him this holiday. But, it goes against every fiber in my being to spend $150 on a gift for a 4 year old. So, anyway, my friend has found one for me, through a friend of his, and they are giving it to us. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for friends like this and I really do hope that I can someday return this wonderful gesture.

Happy holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! I hope all of you can experience the magic of the season as I have!

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